Sexual assault is a devasting reality many will face in a lifetime. One out of every six American women will be the victim of an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. It is a topic that needs to be addressed so women know how to protect themselves and also help someone you know is a survivor of sexual assault.
Here are Five ways to help a Sexual Assault Survivor
1. Everyone’s story is different
There are no two sexual assault cases that are the same. Oftentimes, even without realizing, we know more than one person who has experienced this. It is important to give the survivor space to realize how they personally want to handle this situation and then support them no matter what their decision is. You are the one to lift them and their voice up.
2. Remind the survivor that they matter
Nothing is more important than reminding the victim how important they are and how many people care for them and love them. Never stop reassuring the victim that they did nothing to deserve what happened and there is no excuse for the perpetrator. The world is a better place with them in it and they deserve to be treated with respect and love.
3. Be an Ally
Survivors often feel as though their voice and abuser have taken a piece of them away. They were victims of someone who used power over them and did not listen to what they wanted but did what they desired instead. Now is the chance to lift the survivor back up, make them feel empowered, and regain their strength.
4. Tell them they are never alone
It is not uncommon for the survivor to feel alone or isolated in their experience . If the perpetrator was their partner they might feel lost because the person they used to turn to has now turned against them. Their trust in people will now be second guessed. Let them know that they have support and people in their life to lean on. The stronger the support system the stronger the victim will feel in their fight for recovery.
5. There wants and needs come before anything else
If they decide to take the situation to court, support them. If they decide to keep the situation private, support them. For some people bringing light to what happens causes them even more of a burden. In these moments you need to put their wants and needs above your own.
The list above was created for you and whoever needs it with the help of VIS Expert™, Olivia Miller. Miller has been an ally for survivors and wants those experiencing trauma to know, “you are not alone and here at VIS™ we have resources for you. Not all hope is lost, as women we are at war but this is the good fight because we have countless powerful women on our side.”