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Topic: Body - July 16 2021
Got Injured? Now What?

Getting injured and suddenly not being able to participate in the sports we love can be crushing. It is so important that we take care of not only our bodies, but our minds as well. This is crucial in the days immediately following injury and all the way through the recovery process.

By: Madison Mote

VIS Creator

Topic: Body

July 16 2021

When we invest so much time and energy into a sport, it becomes a huge part of our identity. Getting injured can feel like an identity crisis. We are suddenly unable to do something we love so much and have to put in even more work than before to make a comeback. With any injury, it is so important that we focus on taking care of our mind and body from start to finish during recovery. Coming to terms with what happened, finding people to lean on, and realizing that there is more to our identity than our sport are just a few steps to staying mentally fit following an injury.

Take time to process what happened

When an injury happens it feels like a wave of emotion and sadness hits us. Sometimes it's instinct to try and bury that sadness and act like everything is okay, when in reality, everything feels like it's crashing down. We put up a front so that no one can see how hurt we really are on the inside. We need to realize that it's okay to be sad. It's okay to mourn the fact that we won't be able to play for a while. It is important to take  some time to process what has happened and feel all the emotions we need to pull ourselves together and move forward. Channel all of that anger and sadness about getting injured into fuel for a comeback. 

Lean on the people who have been through it

Recovery from any injury takes time. It can be easy to get caught up in the timeline and become frustrated with how long the process is taking. This is when we need to lean on our teammates. Find the people on the team who have gone through an injury and know what it's like to come out on the other side. They can give advice or even just some motivation to keep pushing through. Sometimes even just talking about our frustrations to someone who understands can be helpful to get it off our chest and let it out. 

“It’s a unique thing to come back from an injury. It tests you in so many ways mentally and I think it makes you so much stronger.”

Alice McKennis Duran, Team USA Alpine Skier

Enjoy the time away

While getting injured can feel like a huge part of us has been taken away, it can also open up opportunities to grow in other aspects of our lives. Without the joy and fun we are used to experiencing from our sport,  we can find other things to fill that void. Whether it be getting involved in something else or meeting new people outside of the team, it can be refreshing to switch things up and realize that we are more than just the sport we play. Oftentimes, this time off with an injury can be beneficial to take a step back and clear our heads.

It's so important that we take care of ourselves, not only physically, but mentally throughout the difficult recovery. While making a comeback is hard, we can get through it by letting ourselves feel all of the emotions, utilizing all of the support we have, and taking the time to reset.

Take Action

Any tips on how to cope with an injury? Share below to help out our fellow athletes!