Body, Mind, and Fueling Strategies With Dr. Lennie Waite
Dr. Lennie Waite is A VIS Expert and Industrial-Organizational Sports Psychologist who specializes in team dynamics, motivation, and performance. In today's episode, Dr. Waite shares her expertise on the science behind eating disorders and disordered eating. She discusses how unhealthy habits can manifest in young athletes, what the warning signs are, how these habits can spread throughout teams, and the ways we can support athletes who struggle with these challenges. Dr. Waite also delves into the current culture surrounding eating disorders within the NCAA and running community with the goal of better informing coaches, athletes, teams, and parents on how to talk about these topics in healthy, supportive, and constructive ways. Overall, Dr. Waite encourages everyone to stand up and use our voices for positive change.
“You only have one body, and it has to last us our entire lives” - Dr. Lennie Waite, VIS Expert
By: Elizabeth Martin
VIS Creator
& Lennie Waite, PhD, LP, CMPC, OLY
VIS Expert
Topic: Podcast
September 19 2024